Kelly Trujillo
Statement of Purpose

My paintings utilize landscape as a means to explore concepts of time, connectedness and memory. My work is often set at times of transition such as dawn or dusk when colors seem unreal and the light requires you to look more carefully and question what you see and know. I do this as a way to explore the border of memory, the threshold of perception and to capture the possibilities inherent in the liminal place between light and dark, waking and dreaming, living and dying.

I am experimental in my process and I allow each piece to evolve in an organic way. I allow the materials to inform the work as the image unfolds. My paintings incorporate a variety of materials including sand, tar and charcoal as well as both oil and water based paints. I layer texture, color and space to create a rich, tactile surface that combined with image results in a sense of physical and spiritual place.

info (at) kellytrujillo (dot) com